Monday, May 5, 2014


1. What is Computer Software?
computer software is made of one or more computer program. Sometimes it means one specific program, or it can mean all the software on a computer, including the application and the operating system.

2. what is an operating system and list 3 different types of
operating system.
An operating system is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer software. Application programs usually require an operating system to function.
The 3 different types of operation system are microsoft windows, iOS, BSD.

3. What is a computer virus?
Computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to spread from one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation

4. What can we do to protect our computer from computer
-Install an antivirus program.
-Don't open email attachments unless you're expecting them.
-Keep your computer updated
-Use your browser's privacy settings

5. List a number of free options that can be used to protect our
-put everything in private: the reason why this will help is because the hacker wont be able to take over you computer.
-Always change you code: if you change your code often the hacker will have a hard time getting in.

6. What is meant by
a. Freeware is software that is available for use at no monetary cost or for an optional fee

b. Shareware is proprietary software that is provided to users on a limited basis and only for a certain limited trial basis and pursuant to a license which restricts any commercial benefit, use or exploitation of the software

7. What is Microsoft Office?
microsoft office is an office suite of desktop applications servers and services for the Microsoft Windows and OS X operating systems

8. What options are there to rival Microsoft Office (free options)
The options to rival microsoft office is to show that it microsoft office is not the best desktop applications there is.
-show an another desktop application

9. Can you find free online software that allows you to practise
your typing. (Make sure to list this website on your blog )
one of the free online software that allows you to practise you typing is typing race.

10. What is the most popular/most bought computer game of
all time. Explain the game and how many copies were sold
The most popular game is tetris it has 143 million sold copies. The game is a simple but addicting game, it has blocks with different shapes and you have to figure out how to put them by each other without using a lot of space.

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